Faith Formation at Bread of Life is about blessing one another with time, space, and resources for creating faith practices and faith rhythms in your own home.
Faith Formation September - May Community Meal 5:15-6:00 6:00-6:30 Contemporary Worship with Communion Every Wednesday at 6:30-7:15 3 years old through 5th grade Confirmation Held after meal and worship Confirmation is for 6th through 9th grade. In Confirmation students will dive into Lutheran History and Catechism. Confirmation will be held in sessions on Sunday Faith Formation Sunday following Children's Sermon at 10:00 am service For youth not attending Wednesday evening Wednesday Faith FormationConfirmation
Confirmation is for 6th through 9th grade. In Confirmation students will dive into Lutheran History and Catechism. Confirmation will be held in sessions on Wednesday nights. |
Summer Faith Formation
Vacation Bible School Evening Camp 3 years old through 6th grades! An evening meal followed by faith-filled games and crafts. High School Faith Formation
Two Wednesday evenings a month at 7:30pm we will be sharing in fellowship, service, and education discussing what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. For AdultsWomen’s Monthly Bible Study - WELCA
Eve Circle meets the First Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 pm. Check the church calendar for location of meeting place Adult Weekly Bible Study Tuesdays at Noon in Church Narthex "Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." -- Deuteronomy 11:19 |