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Prayer Concerns
Please remember in your prayers…
Healing: Danny Lindberg; Dianne Moen, friend of Delores Bratton; Marlene Taylor; Clay Ceynar, friend of Cody; Ryan; Ray Mock; Janis Neameyer, sister of Dale Ellis; Scott Osborn; Dan Wenzel; Sutton Hennessey; Tessa; Linda Randolph; LuAnn Getzlaff; Darrell Desilets, brother in law of Cody; Jeannie Jackson, mother of Amanda Kreutzbender; Jon Nissen; Ryker Gardiner, great grandson of Colleen Sherven; Gayle, sister of Maxine Juelich; Charlie Brydon, cousin of Maxine Juelich; Ron DeMers; Nicole Mobley, niece of Dale & Dolly Ellis; Melissa Godejohn;
Health Concerns: Kitty Olson; Denise Sundean, daughter of Delores Bratton; Clay Rein; Laurie Christen, niece of Lila Striefel;
Edgewood Vista: Bev Larson, Clay Rein, Jenny Gates;
ProHealth Home Care: Mary Ann Fitchner;
The View: Lila Striefel;
MapleView Memory Care: Bev Helstedt;
Garrison: Marvel Bakken;
Missouri Slope: Alie Conger;
At Home: Dick Slaaen, Marian Crawford
Douglas Trinity Lutheran, Remember in your prayers
Health concerns: Grace Magandy, Marion Narum, Linda Delzer, Michael Kolden, Lorraine Nelson, Sherie Heine, Jeff Krueger, Florene Knudtson, Phyllis Narum, Gregory Nelson, Lyn Koppinger, Kent Kolden, Gloria Lies, and Karla Hankel
If a member of your household is hospitalized, you would like someone on the congregation prayer list, or you have any pastoral need, let the office know (838-3360).
Healing: Danny Lindberg; Dianne Moen, friend of Delores Bratton; Marlene Taylor; Clay Ceynar, friend of Cody; Ryan; Ray Mock; Janis Neameyer, sister of Dale Ellis; Scott Osborn; Dan Wenzel; Sutton Hennessey; Tessa; Linda Randolph; LuAnn Getzlaff; Darrell Desilets, brother in law of Cody; Jeannie Jackson, mother of Amanda Kreutzbender; Jon Nissen; Ryker Gardiner, great grandson of Colleen Sherven; Gayle, sister of Maxine Juelich; Charlie Brydon, cousin of Maxine Juelich; Ron DeMers; Nicole Mobley, niece of Dale & Dolly Ellis; Melissa Godejohn;
Health Concerns: Kitty Olson; Denise Sundean, daughter of Delores Bratton; Clay Rein; Laurie Christen, niece of Lila Striefel;
Edgewood Vista: Bev Larson, Clay Rein, Jenny Gates;
ProHealth Home Care: Mary Ann Fitchner;
The View: Lila Striefel;
MapleView Memory Care: Bev Helstedt;
Garrison: Marvel Bakken;
Missouri Slope: Alie Conger;
At Home: Dick Slaaen, Marian Crawford
Douglas Trinity Lutheran, Remember in your prayers
Health concerns: Grace Magandy, Marion Narum, Linda Delzer, Michael Kolden, Lorraine Nelson, Sherie Heine, Jeff Krueger, Florene Knudtson, Phyllis Narum, Gregory Nelson, Lyn Koppinger, Kent Kolden, Gloria Lies, and Karla Hankel
If a member of your household is hospitalized, you would like someone on the congregation prayer list, or you have any pastoral need, let the office know (838-3360).
- Ladies Bible Study meets the 1st Tuesday of every month
- Tuesday Bible Study will be meeting in person or via Zoom…watch for the invitation on Monday’s
- We are collecting gas stamps from Marketplace! Please drop them in the jar in the narthex. Stamps will be used to help those in need.
- Prayer shawls are needed. You can bring them to the church office or leave in them in the basket in the sanctuary.
- Lutheran Campus Ministry has a food pantry for the students at MSU. Items they are looking for are: garbanzo beans, red or black beans, tuna, chicken breast, soup, pasta of any kind, pasta sauce, rice, ramen other than chicken, canned fruit: pears and oranges, no pineapple, canned vegetables: carrots, no corn or green beans, toaster pastries, granola or fruity bars, popcorn or chips, gum, any kind of snacks. They do put out personal items as they get them for the students to take as well.
- Personal Care Items for the food pantry are being collected by Merry Circle. Collect the free samples when you stay in a motel and bring to the collection box in the narthex. Purchased items are also welcome.
- Prayer Shawl Ministry – If you know someone, hospitalized, confined in some way, or for whatever reason needs to be surrounded by some extra caring, please take them a prayer shawl.
- Hospitalized? - If a member of your household is hospitalized, you would like someone on the congregation prayer list, or you have any pastoral need, let the office know (838-3360). Currently there are restrictions at the various Trinity locations regarding visitors, but we will make every effort to reach you.